Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Garden

Last year we were so busy with trying to get rid of the crab grass in the lawn that we never had time to plant a garden. Last spring we pulled dirt from the garden to fill in holes we created in the lawn when we removed the crab grass. The garden\hole sat all last year and collected what ever Michael tossed in there. Michael would throw old potatoes or egg shells in there trying to create a compost. But not a whole lot ever decomposed. As you can still see old egg shells.
So Friday Michael and I bought 14 square cubic feet of Steer manure. It smelt great. We tilled the garden/hole and filled it with the manure and planted a garden. If everything survives and grows we should have some tomatoes, pepper, squash, zucchini, beans, spinach, cucumbers, and cantaloupe. I am excited that there is no longer a hole in the back yard. I have also included a picture of the cherry tree that is currently in full bloom.


Carrie Hellewell said...

Looking good! I'll be excited to see it in June. I'm jealous, fresh tomatoes are the best!

Greg and Annette said...

Just reading about what you have planted makes my mouth water. That sounds like a lot of work that will be wonderfully rewarded.

Tal gal said...

This looks awesome! Yum. Luke and I planted some stuff too but we were not so technical about it. I am not sure if anything will come up but it was still fun!

krusson said...

Great picture of the blossoms. I really love to take pictures of tree blossoms.

Eric and Shelene said...

Hooray for gardens! We just have to figure out how to keep the neihgiborhood cats out of ours.