This last week was a long one. It all started actually the week before. I had been asked to speak in church last Sunday. I am not a fan of speaking in church, as most people aren't, but it was no huge stress, I had all week to prepare. I had most of the talk typed by Friday night and was planning on just finishing up early Saturday morning. At about one in the afternoon on Sat I finished and if I do say so it was an excellent talk. I went to save it for the last time and print it when our computer gave me a nice error and deleted the entire talk. After a small crying breakdown and a couple of deep breaths I called my dad. My Dad is the computer wizard and if anyone can figure where my talk went it was him. Well after an hour of trying, no talk. Of course Michael was working the entire weekend and Esther had developed a small cold the day before. After a small prayer and a few more tears of exhaustion because by now my back is hurting from sitting at the computer and being 6months pregnant, I put Esther down for her nap and started over. My only saving grace was that Friday night when I went to save my talk I accidentally hit print and the computer printed about two and a half pages before I canceled the print job. So not all was lost even though it felt like it. At about 6:30 that night I was finished. A couple of times when I tried to save my talk it started to give me that error message again so this time I just printed it every couple of paragraphs. Thank goodness we have one o'clock church. Then at nine that night Esther woke up coughing and sounded very congested. My plan was to have a neighbor watch her during sacrament meeting so that I could give my talk but now she was worse and I didn't dare take her to church. So I called my parents and made arrangements to have my dad come and sit at the house while I went to church. Sunday morning came and all was going well. Esther slept most the morning so I had plenty of time to get ready and read over my talk. My dad was supposed to be at my house at 12:45 so that I would have time to get to church. Well at 12:55 no dad. I am a little nervous by now and not sure what to do. Thankfully my neighbor had not left for church yet, so I called her and she ran over. I arrived to church just in time and there was my dad sitting on the back bench. I had talked to my mom on the phone and she relayed the message to my dad and he thought I wanted him to watch Esther at church but I needed someone at the house since she was sick. Anyway it all worked out. Someone was home with Esther and I had someone to listen to my talk since Michael was working. My talk went great. It was not too short, I was worried about filling my assigned 15 minutes. By the way my talk was on what lessons can we learn from the parable of the ten virgins, but the other person I was speaking with was assigned to speak on spiritual preparedness. So I focused on our physical preparedness through finances, food storage, and education. I know this is long but bear with me. Michael was home Monday, I had to work, and Esther continued to get more congested but was not running a fever. Monday night Michael got up with her at eleven and woke me up around one. Now she was not only congested but was wheezing and struggling to breath. So we decided not to wait any longer and ended up in the ER about 1:30. There she was suctioned out and was given an albuterol respiratory treatment and was tested for RSV. Esther's test came back positive, She has RSV. We were given a prescription so that if at any time we felt she needed to be suctioned and given a albuterol treatment we could just come to pediatrics and get a treatment. We got home around 3am and crashed. Esther slept most the day and we would suction her as best as we could at home. I did take he in Tuesday night around eight for a albuterol treatment but it did not seem to help a lot, which is very common. So all week we have been up at all hours with a coughing, wheezing, congested baby. Esther actually has been in a pretty good mood during the whole thing she just wakes up during the night because she can't breath. She did sleep through the entire night last night so I think she is doing better. I have been sick too. When adults get RSV it is just like having a cold but for babies it is a cold with more respiratory issues. Well thanks for listening. We are doing better and hopefully this will pass in another week and we will be back to our old selves.