Friday, June 12, 2009

A pot of gold

Life could not be any sweeter right now. Everyone is doing well. We are adjusting to Henry and his schedule. The first night home was a little rough. Henry was fussy most the night and I think he has a little reflux so we have been placing him upright to sleep and he has been a lot better. He will sleep for 5 hours sometimes and I have had to wake him up to eat. Our Dr. wants us to wait a week and see if the reflux continues before prescribing and medicine. Henry also thinks his cheeks are big, as you can see he likes to squeeze them too. Esther is adjusting to baby brother. She is having some jealous moments. Sometimes when Michael or I pick up Henry she will throw a little fit. Who knew at 10 months she would be jealous. She does not wake up at night when he cries and I am greatful for that. As far as myself, I am doing great. I feel wonderful and loving not being pregnant anymore. No more heartburn, I can bend down to pick Esther up, I have ankles back, and I have much more energy. I am loving life right now. I hope that this is not just the honeymoon stage. Yesterday as it was raining a rainbow appeared. It was the most gorgous rainbow I have everseen and I just feel so blessed in my life right now. I feel like I have found my pot of gold.


NanaRusson said...

Oh Kathryn and Mike, I am so, so happy for you. Your little Henry is beautiful. How happy your lives must be. Just stay close to Heavenly Father and you'll always be happy! Love, Aunt Eva

Katy and Rob Bodily said...

I was so happy when I saw your comment on my blog. That pic of henry pinching his cheek is great! both your babies are adorable. looks like you have a cute little family.