Thursday, August 20, 2009

Oregon 2009

We finally made it to Oregon. Many of you know that Michael and I booked this trip for last year but then Esther came and the trip was rescheduled. We had originally rescheduled it for June but then Henry came and the trip was again rescheduled for August. The trip came after a very busy couple of weeks and was so needed. We took the trip with our great friends Mark and Tallie Menzie, and their two boys Luke 5, and Hank 2 1/2. We flew into Seattle because the Menzies live in Tacoma. We were going to hook up with them and then all drive to the coast together. Henry and Esther did pretty good on the flight, the trouble was getting through the airport with 2 kids that don't walk. Thank goodness Michael's sister Jennifer was flying home that same morning so she helped us get checked in. On Monday we took the scenic coastal route to get to Oregon and it was beautiful. On Tuesday we decided even though it was on the colder side we would venture to the beach. I didn't think Esther would care for the Sand or the water since it was cold, I was wrong. She loved the sand and the cold water. She even loved to eat the sand. The next day we spent at the beach house relaxing and catching up on sleep. Michael did go down to the beach and flew kits with Mark. He said he felt like a kid again. That night Mark and Tallie offered to watch the kids while Michael and I went of for our Anniversary. We found a very nice place in town that served amazing food. It was nice to get away for a moment. If you forgot Michael and I celebrated 10 years this year. How time has flown by and how things have changed over this last year.
On Thursday it was nice and sunny so we spent the afternoon at the beach again. On Friday just the McNeilis spent the day at the local aquarium. Esther loved all the fish. Henry slept through most of it. Saturday we packed the car and started the drive back to Tacoma. We had such a great time and the house we rented could not have been more perfect. I hope that we have many more vacations like this one.

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